Glimpses of Life at Wolf Hollow : The Gooderham Sanctuary of R.D. and Sharon Lawrence
Life At Wolf Hollow:
Accession Number: 2007.01.214

Object Name: Sign

Date: Post 1984

Height: 26.300 cm
Length: 82.100 cm

Wolf Hollow was a large property located in Gooderham, Ontario. Purchased by R. D. and Sharon Lawrence, it would be their home from May 1984 onward. Originally consisting of a two storey log house, a log garage, a 100+ year old barn, 100 acres of wild land, and a stream called Bear Creek, it was also bordered by surrounding forest. It wasn't long until this beautiful property became home not only to the Lawrences, but to a host of other two-legged, three-legged, and four-legged creatures.

"Nemeton" is the Gaelic word for Sanctuary. This Sanctuary sign hung on the outside of the house in Gooderham, Ontario, beside the entrance to the wolf room/new addition, where visitors to the sanctuary came first for a greeting, wolf discussion, or interview with Ron and Sharon before viewing the wolves outside. This sign was created by Bob Simpson who also created the wolf signs and nameplates of the individual wolves at Wolf Hollow. The letters and wolf silhouette are made out of copper on wood.

Donor: Sharon Lawrence
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Sanctuary Sign-FrontSanctuary Sign-Front