Alexander Niven (1836-1911) was a qualified Ontario surveyor who came to Haliburton in the 1860's and worked for the Canadian Land and Emigration Company. This company was responsible for the settlement programme of the present-day Municipality of Dysart et al. Niven soon became the company's resident agent, while simultaneously carrying out survey work on their behalf. As a sideline, he ventured into the sale of local property insurance. Visiting the homes, farms, and businesses of prospective clients, Niven measured and sketched their properties in his field notebook in order to calculate and assess the risks. The notebook transcribed herein is one which he began keeping in 1871, with subsequent updates and revisions.
A.M.A.A. = Association of Mutual Assurance Agents [-?- to be verified]
See also Niven's insurance notebook compiled under the auspices of the Canada Permanent Loan & Savings Society, commencing 1875, another Virtual Exhibit in this series.
![Insurance Diagrams 1871 / A.M.A.A. of Canada](exhibitimage.jpg)